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Wednesday, 13 August 2014
after 70 hours of pausing Slaughtering in #Gaza,#Israel resumes its bloodshed just before 2 hours of ending of Ceasefire.F-16s r now in skies nd airstirkes resumed in Costal areas.Both #Palestinian & Israeli officials announced z failure of #Cairo talks.
Tuesday, 12 August 2014
#Gaza Before and After Israel's attack
Before:45% & 63% among Youngsters
After:expected to be above than 82% until now
Before:shortage of 239
All the universities are partially or completely destroyed
Other losses include 173 Factories,& the only Power plant of the city which were completely destroyed by Israel-i attack
Death toll until now comprising of dead bodies which were registered in Hospitals
1944 Martyred
465 child
249 women
87 elderly
1143 men
9900 injured
3010 child
1915 women
359 elderly
Monday, 11 August 2014
Sony assisting Israel-i Bloodshed In Gaza
#Japan's electronics company "#SONY" assisting #Israel-i air force by providing technical support.According to "Press TV" reports "Sony" is modifying Israel air to ground PMEI & DMEI missiles by inserting a multipurpose camera to the tip of missile.By this camera Israel-i pilots are guiding missiles to hit the exact target they have allocated which is the innocent civilians of #Gaza.Proof is shown in video below by Press TV
Secondary link to video:
Friday, 8 August 2014
Israel using Internationally banned weapons in Gaza
Israel is using 3 internationally banned weopons falling into "weapons of Mass Destruction(WMD)" in #Gaza against civilians.
First one is Dense Inert Metal Explosive (DIME).DIME weapons spread inert metal atoms that penetrate the human body and are difficult to get out of human tissue.
Another internationally banned weapon used by Israel is armour piercing bombs.they cause big explosions and result in a large number of civilian deaths.
Third one is white phosphorous bombs which with oxygen to form a transparent wax and causes fires and thick, white area contaminated with white phosphorus, it is deposited in the soil or the bottom of rivers and seas, or even on fish. When the human body is exposed to white phosphorus, it burns the skin and flesh; only the bones remain.
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Thursday, 7 August 2014
Another Heroshima After 60 years-SaveGaza
#Gaza Suffering,Heroshima history being repeated
by #Israel
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Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Gaza still bleeding
Gaza Israel-i Army Pushing out since the 72 hours ceasefire began todays's morning 8:00 local time But increase in Drones & F-16z flights reported by the residents,after 8 days people come out on street,32 deadbodies found from the rubble,the casualties rate crosses 1900.according to local medics 25-30% deadbodies are still under rubble in Khou'za,Shujaiya & BietHanoun which means casualti rate about 2500.
Monday, 4 August 2014
How 120+ lives lost in one night in Shujiya,Gaza(Eye-Witness)
It is the 13th day of the Israeli aggression on the Gaza strip, the 20th of July to be exact. The time meter might have stopped, but the death meter is still claiming more and more martyrs.
Remains of Shujaiya,Many still resting under
the rubble
A single room not wider than 4 meters hosts 17 individuals, 4 of whom are children. It is somewhat the safest at home and does not overlook the street. No power; no water; no security.
The scene repeats itself in reality, the way it does in my dreams. We were counting the seconds left for us to live, waiting for a bombshell to scatter our shreds, when we would become part of the past. We would be removed from civil records of the strip.
We shook as though it were Alexa thunderstorm all over again, although this time because of the fear and horror that swept us. Children were shocked, clinging to their mothers; no cries, no tears, only shrieks that were directly proportional to the strength and distance of falling shells.
In that corner of the room, which I considered somewhat safe, I held my little brother in order to absorb some of his fear. Even though the shells were falling all around us, we still made an effort. My mother did the same. She embraced my other siblings. My uncle's wife took refuge in our home, for it was safer than hers which was on the top floor. My father, my uncle and his children and grandson; we were all cramped in one room.
One of the Most Busy street turn into ashes in one night
The night passed as though it was a year, for time was slow and events were hectic. We never expected to make it, but we did.
As an eyewitness to the Shujaia massacre which claimed dozens of lives, I never imagined to be witness to events like the ones I saw and heard about in the media such as Sabra and Shatilla camps massacres in Lebanon committed at the hands of Ariel Sharon and the Lebanese phalanges.
Since 10pm of the 12th day of the aggression, and the escalation of events of the morning after, on the 13th day...there, on that night, we wished to die in a fighter jet missile rather than by a shell from the artillery stationed east of the city.
Soon, occupation soldiers became obsessed with spilling more and more blood, targeting homes, streets, even medical centers, violently and indiscriminately. Those events followed the bombardment of our skies with leaflets and our phones with recorded phone calls and text messages demanding that we, the residents of Shujaia, evacuate.
At first we thought it was Israeli psychological warfare that we have grown accustomed to, and we had full faith in our resilience even if our homes were to be shelled. Indeed, we did not give in to their demands, except for a few who preferred to leave in order to avoid Israeli madness and in an attempt to save their lives.
Deadbodies Lying in streets,120+ martyred and others wounded,Noone was present to pickup deadbodies
The pace of strikes began to escalate, along with artillery shelling and gunfire, which paved the way for the Shujaia massacre. Informants roamed the neighborhood in order to stagger its residents as well as resistance fighters. Gunshots could be heard everywhere. It was not the like the sound of an armed clash between the resistance fighters and the occupation soldiers. Since our neighborhood was somehow far from the borders, we were positive that the occupation forces couldn't have crossed Nazzar and Baghdad streets and were in the heart of Shujaia. Not long after, resistance fighters announced that they were not involved in the shooting, but instead, it was informants and spies who did so in order to expose the resistance fighters, render them easy targets for the Israeli killing machine and expose resistance hideouts and sites.
Another image from Shujaiya masscare questioning our hummanity
The ground clashes between the resistance fighters and the occupation forces turned into an epic written by the resistance. The resistance's resilience drove the neighborhood residents to support it and secure the safety of their members.
Unfortunatel,y however, the spies completed their mission to the fullest, starting with heavy shooting in an attempt to lure the resistance fighters into the streets so that they would be easy targets for warplanes, to spreading rumors that the occupation forces were in the heart of the neighborhood. And so the massacre was executed against civilians.
The neighborhood did not witness a night more horrific than that one, for it was the bloodiest and the most violent. The occupation's ground losses drove it mad, and so the shelling was indiscriminate. Our home shook left and right with every shell. Shrapnel entered the room which we all considered the safest at home. Children and women's screams and men's prayers were heard on the street.
We could hear screams and rescue calls coming from a home located just a few meters from ours. Smoke was coming from the top floor. We almost choked at the smell of fire. There was nothing around us except clouds of smoke and fire.
Artillery shelling kept getting heavier and heavier. We were waiting for death to come. I waited for a shell to fall on us and began to imagine the horrific scene that the world would see. A red scene, with my shreds scattered everywhere. We only felt death that day whilst we breathed. I smile and then frown as my life passes in front of my eyes. In each corner of our home, there is a memory. But today, it has become our cemetery, awaiting an indiscriminate shell. I wasn't the only one to give in. Shujaia residents were waiting to become martyrs. Mosques were silent for the first time in a long time, the only sound in the street was that of ambulances.
We thought that the morning hours would bring calm. We completely rejected the idea of leaving our home. But things took a rough turn, which forced everyone around us to leave their homes.
Our street was completely evacuated. We were the only ones who remained. A shell fell over a home in the back street. No ambulances, civil defence or Red Cross were able to reach any street in the neighborhood in order to recover the bodies and save the injured.
We decided to leave after receiving calls from relatives who said that there was no point in rebuilding our home if we were martyred inside it, that we had to live in spite of the occupation. We took our IDs, some water and our phones with us.
We left home expecting to be targeted at any moment. Streets were empty except of those who decided to evacuate as well and some photographers and paramedics. The smell of blood and gunpowder was everywhere. The wounded watched us from afar as they waited for death to claim them, for ambulances could not reach them due to shelling. When we arrived at Shujaia crossroad, we almost collapsed at the horror of the scene.
Entire families evacuated and flocked the street carrying their children, pushing their elderly on wheelchairs. Some youth carried some clothes while others left with nothing. Municipality and emergency vehicles, ambulances, Red Cross and a huge number of media crews were at the entrance of the neighborhood waiting to offer some help.
As soon as we reached somewhere safer than Shujaia, we began to digest what happened. We realized that the time of miracles has not ended, for how could we be here after the most violent night in the history of our lives had that not been a miracle?
We are still alive, physically well, breathing. But we are not ok. Sabra and Shatila massacre of Shujaia has killed the life in us, and we are still alive.
Posted By:S.M Ammad
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Gaza-A Story of HoloCaust
Gaza-A Story of HoloCaust
By S.M.Ammad
July 8th,2014.The Day
when Israel starts its deadliest campaign for the Holocaust of people living
in Gaza.Since that day uptill now,in 26 days Gaza had seen
- · 1870+ dead bodies and the number still increasing.
- · 10K+ injured people
- · 260K+ displaced people
- · Streets and building Turing into ashes
Israel is making sure to increase
the casualties rate by attacking Hospitals,refugee camps and even in the time
period of Humanitarian cease fire IDF is not letting medics to reach for
wounded civilians by deploying snipers and drones over the affected
areas.Morgues in Gaza ran out of space as people started to put dead bodies in
refrigerators.According to a survey an average of 2 Palestinians are being
targeted by Israel every hour.Many dead bodies are under the rubbles of
buildings as no one can reach them in intense shelling.People have two walk 2
km to have medical assistance but when they reach Hospitals they find out that
they are also not save here as hospitals,medics and ambulances are targeted on
daily basses.
Same is the scenario with refugee
camps as 20+ attacks were reported on UNRAW shelters established in schools in
26 days.150+ loose their life in these attacks.According to Israel’s Defence
ministry self release press report 80% of the casualties are civilians which
clearly explains the goal of Israel,to kill & drain last drop of blood out
of Gaza so it takes years for Gaza to come back to life.
Apart from these war crimes Israel is
using white Phosphorous bombs which
intensively burn Human flesh and causes problem in breathing leading to
death.30% of the casualties are of children's.
Hospitals in Gaza ran out of space
& medicines,same as food.The only Power Station providing electricity to
Gaza destroyed by Israel 10 days ago after which people are getting an average
of 2 hours of power per day.
Shujaiya,BeitHanoun,Kho’uza and 2
other most populated districts Gaza are completely destroyed and there is
nothing but scenes of destruction.all that was done in one night.IDF is showing
its morality by killing kids of Gaza in front of their mothers.
Israel changed its goals three time
since the beginning of bloodshed 1st they set for stopping rocket
attacks by Hammas and Started deadly airstirkes killing scores of innocent
civilians but rockets didn’t stop and they failed.then they set for destroying
tunnels and started ground invasion but also failed and now they set for
freedom of their one soldier taking lives of 100s of Innocent lives.These
goals are nothing else but a lame excuse for the genocide of people living in
Israel is not alone in its war crimes
in Gaza.The role of United States of America,United Nations,EU,Arab League,OIC
is shame full on Gaza issue,they not only failed to stand for the oppressed ones
but seems to be helping the oppressor,the state which same into being as a
result of Holocaust and now doing the same Nazi thing proving nothing but one
that Hitler was right.
USA passes $225 millions aid for the Israel’s iron dome but failed to do something for the blood covered streets of Gaza.
USA passes $225 millions aid for the Israel’s iron dome but failed to do something for the blood covered streets of Gaza.
Now coming to Muslim countries,They
are all working for their own gaols,Starting with Turkey who can stop this
massacre by blocking the pipeline carrying fuel for Israel’s war machinery from
Islamic State(ISIS,IS,ISIL) terrorists controlled oilfields in Iraq and Syria.
On the other hand reports suggest
that Qatar is using its intelligence personals as medics in Gaza who are
pinpointing locations of Hammas in Gaza.Saudi Arabia is also playing flute
over the dead bodies of ummha.Pakistan announces $10 million aid to Gaza but
that will be given to them when war is end instead of giving them now when they
need most.Despite why not Pakistan’s Government pressurise Turkey to stop oil
supply line to Israel.Egypt i not even letting Humanitarian aid comprising of
food medicines and fuel,100s of containers are stopped at Rafah crossing by
Egyptian forces while people in Gaza are starving to death and how can I forget
the newly born Fitna state “Islamic State” whose butcher caliph said that God has
not asked him to fight Israel but to kill innocent Muslims in
Iraq,Syria.therefore they are supplying oil at 50% discount to Israel.


People are marching worldwide
becoming sign of protest against Israel’s onslaught in Gaza.even the Jews are
also protesting Israel and worldwide to stop genocide in Gaza but Muslims
failed to stand for Gaza.The only Muslim state which is helping Gaza is Iran
but it has limited options as Egypt is not letting anything passed.
Real mediation must be resumed.
Egypt has to be involved, since it shares with Israel the keys to the prison
that is Gaza, but its new military rulers hate the Islamists of Hamas as much
as Israel does. Turkey and Qatar can help prod Hamas towards moderation but are
loathed by Israel. America is still the one actor that has the weight, however
diminished, to bring everyone to the table. Though bruised by his previous
fruitless efforts, Mr Kerry must do more than just stop the rockets.
My words are ending but but Israel’s
war crimes are not,people are still dying the same moment as I am writing this.I
hope the rest of the story will be explained by the pictures as every picture
has a story grief behind it.
The Blood of people of Gaza lies on
all of us those who can stop it but are not stopping and those who can speak
but are silent.If we cannot do anything,we can speak against the
oppressor,it’s the least we can do after
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